Thursday, September 30, 2010

{ thursday thoughts }

Monday, September 27, 2010

{ making me smile... }

Now this is what I call tailgating! I'll bring the oversized cozy, tartan plaid throw and pumpkin muffins. Who's bringing the apple cider and cinnamon sticks?
I live for this time of year. I hope you're enjoying these Autumn days filled with sparkling sunshine and crisp breezes as much as I am.
*via country living, mary ruffle

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

{ wednesday wish list }

A few swell things I'm eying right now...

I'm nuts about the idea of personalized book plates for my little bookworms' books. This one is absolutely precious. I am in love with the regal-looking, purple hue of this deliciously frilly Anthropologie tee by Deletta.Is this not the most gorgeous, non-diaper-bag-looking, diaper bag you have ever seen?!! It better be, because it costs an astronomical $349! I'll continue to admire it from afar, I think.

*via sarah+abraham, anthropologie, petunia picklebottom

What about you? Have you had your eye on any goodies lately? Do tell.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

{ dapper dudes }

Recently, my little men were invited to the social event of our year, their sweet cousin, Olivia's lovely tea party birthday bash. I felt they should be fancied up properly for such a soiree. And so, I whipped up these little bowties.I used this super easy tutorial over at the adorable, A Lemon Squeezy Home.
Don't they look handsome?
They were so patient while mommy tried to get a decent shot.Nobody got the least bit annoyed. Nope, not one bit. Ahhh, I'm such a sucker for a well-dressed man. ;)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday Thoughts

Sunday, September 12, 2010

{ i spy a diy - the rosette tank }

Remember this $175 Kate Spade tank? Crazy, insane price, right? Well, I've been smitten with it for months, and I finally found time to create a copycat version of it. I started with two of these cheapo striped navy tanks.I cut up one of the tanks to create the rosette, and then I sewed the finished flower onto the other tank. In the midst of this project, I realized that my sewing skills are very rusty. I've always been a pokey seamstress-even back when I attended design school, but I'm slower than ever! After several hours of cutting strips, basting stitches, ruffling, pinning, ruffling some more, and sewing, I finally finished. Here's my take on the rosette tank. I'm pretty happy with it. The amazingly talented, Suzannah, over at Adventures in Dressmaking, also made a copycat of this tank (at my request-thanks, Suzannah. You rock!). I love hers too! She gets bonus points for posting a step-by-step tutorial on how to create this top. Check out her blog for a gazillion other cute projects too. Then there's the lovely Madeline, bargain shopper extraordinaire, and fellow DIYer, of the fabulous Uber Chic for Cheap. Awhile back, she posted about how she'd go about re-creating this rosette top from a tunic. Great work, crafty ladies!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

{ thursday thoughts }

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

{ wonderful window seats }

To say that I have an obsession with window seats is quite possibly the understatement of the century millenium. I just can't get enough! I'm trying my darndest to talk the Mr. into building a cozy window seat banquette into our dining space. Wish me luck with this one ;) I sure have found some fantastic examples out there!