Wednesday, January 26, 2011

{ wednesday wish list }

Just a few swell things I'm eyeing right now...

This fragrance smells just plain incredible. It's the only perfume that I wear. My bottle has been empty for more than three months now, and I can't wait to get my hands on more. Are you listening, Mr. Polkadotsandpuppies? Valentine's day is right around the corner ;) My stylish sister-in-law received this necklace as a Christmas gift from her boyfriend (impressive choice for a boyfriend, right!?), and I've been lusting after it ever since. Doesn't it look like something your grandmother would have tucked away in her box of treasures?
Sarah Jane Studios does it again with this delightful print. This would be perfect hanging in a little boy's room. I happen to know a couple of those.
*via fred segal apothia, anthropologie, sarah jane studios

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

{ outstanding organization }

Who doesn't love a collection of beautifully organized everyday items? I go bonkers for images like these. My sister and I always joke that pictures like these are like porn to us. Swooooooon ;) Oh, and speaking of things organized neatly, have you seen this tumblr named just that? Careful. It can be quite addictive.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

{ thursday thoughts }

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

{ twinkle toes }

I'm obsessed with metallic flats. OBSESSED. I think I own six pairs, and I'm pretty sure I need all of these too.
* 1, 2, 3

Saturday, January 15, 2011

{ bookworm baby }

I adore this idea for a "build your little one's library" themed baby shower. I wish I'd thought of it. The invitation is so darling.Do I spy donuts?!! In my opinion, more people should serve donuts at parties ;) The most amazing thing about this shower is this bookmark. Perfection.