Ever get tired of seeing millions of gorgeous but generic spaces? Yes, the perfectly-primped designer rooms that fill the glossy pages of House Beautiful are stunning. But, in my opinion, they often lack any sense of authenticity or lived-in character. My favorite kinds of rooms are filled with personal, meaningful details- not a bunch of shiny things from a Crate and Barrel catalog. Speaking of catalogs (and generic things) ....I've long admired this rug, called the
Le Poeme rug from Ballard Designs. It's lovely, yes? I think it's such a neat idea to write a poem or a song on a rug. But this particular poem is a French poem about a cricket and an ant. Eh. I'm sure it's a fine poem, and maybe it resonates with some people, but it doesn't really
mean anything to
me, ya know?
I've been trying to think of (budget -friendly!) ways to add more sentimental details to our home-things that sort of tell the story of who we are. I decided to try a relatively easy DIY version of the Le Poeme rug. I chose to pretty up a plain rug with the lyrics from our wedding song-the beloved classic, At Last, by the legendary, Etta James. This song holds a very special place in our hearts, and so it seemed like a perfect choice to help add a little more "us" to our bedroom decor.
So here's what I started with. My rug was a 5x7, natural colored
chenille rug from Urban Outfitters, that had most certainly seen better days.
Blech. I only chose to keep this boring rag around for so long because A) it's softer and warmer underfoot than our bedroom's wood floors and B) it's machine washable. I'm a sucker for machine washable rugs! I knew I really had nothing to lose while trying to improve upon this old thing, so I raided the kiddos' art supplies, and got to work. Here's what the rug looked like once when I was finished.
I'm in the process of making over our bedroom, and I desperately needed to bring in some more yellow elements, which is why I chose this color. But I imagine you could use any number of colors for your writing and end up with fabulous results. I love the light green on the Ballard rug, but black, blue, and gray would also look fantastic. Oh, I just thought of something: you could use a duvet cover for this project as well. That would be so cool! Anyway, back to the rug....
Here are the supplies I used in this project:
plain rug (I used this one), washable marker, painter's tape, tape measure, fabric marker, lyrics of song choice, envelopes |
I had to do a bit of math to figure out how many words would fit onto each line, and how many lines would fit onto the rug. I wanted to fit the entire song, and so this took a bit of trial and error with playing around with the spacing. I pasted the song lyrics into a 5x7 sized canvas in MS Paint, and then played around with font sizes before finding the right configuration. My words should fit onto my rug pretty much like this:
Once I knew how many lines (14) would fit onto the rug, I taped it off.
I used business envelopes (just because that's what I had in reach-obviously plain old paper would work just dandily here) as makeshift spacers to help me roughly plan how to write out each line. I folded them into various sizes, so that I knew about how much space to allow for each word (see below).
Then I grabbed a washable marker, said a little prayer, and just started writing. I started with the
washable marker because I wanted to be able to just wash the rug if this project went terrible wrong.
Once I was finished with one line, I removed that line's tape, and started the next line, and so on.
When I was finished writing, I went over all the writing carefully with a yellow fabric marker, which is permanent and
should survive washing and drying. And then I let my little Georgia check out my work.
She seemed thoroughly unimpressed. Hmph. Well, I like it ;)
Hope you enjoyed it too.
h a p p y w e e k e n d !