Tuesday, January 25, 2011

{ outstanding organization }

Who doesn't love a collection of beautifully organized everyday items? I go bonkers for images like these. My sister and I always joke that pictures like these are like porn to us. Swooooooon ;) Oh, and speaking of things organized neatly, have you seen this tumblr named just that? Careful. It can be quite addictive.


Carmen said...

Great pics Rachel! I love organizational items and things to have it's home. Unfortunately I live with a man who feels these items need only be there when they are not going to be used for a while, LOL. Luckily for me, the kids are easier to train! Hope all is well!

Kelli said...

Those are just beautiful. I love organization.

elisabeth (bovagoods) said...

LOVE the type tray idea for jewelry! brilliant. i am totally doing that. my parents have some old type trays just sitting in thier basement. score! also, i have been using glass jars a ton lately. i've been getting them at wal-mart. the huge one is only like 12 bucks. just bought a bunch of the candy jars for the girls in the playroom-it's nice they are at an age where they can handle the glass. if we have another baby i guess those jars will have to be put up. but for now, glass jars for everyone!!!

Laura said...

Great images and fantastic ideas! My medicine cabinet does NOT look anything like the one shown--and if it did it would never stay that way :) I could, however use the basket idea.

kimberly wagner photography said...

I love it and want to organize everything!!!

Lisa said...

L-O-V-E IT !!