Tuesday, August 2, 2011

{ i spy a diy - the B tee! }

  You may know that I'm kinda head over heels in love with Boston Terriers (or BTs, as they're called around here).  The whole rest of my family is just as smitten as me with this lovable breed.  Georgia, the spunky, pint-sized BT, lives at our house, my sis has two Bostons, my cousin has two, her mama has one, my parents have two.  Yep, that's a lot of black and white fur! You're kinda not allowed to have any other kind of dog in our family ;) Anyway, I wanted to show our love for our dog by whipping up some Boston sweetness for my boys. My inspiration was this cute tee from the Poppy Collection (ha, clever!) from Gymboree.  So adorable, but pretty darn girly. I figured I could fix that by omitting the red flower and those fancy eyelashes ;)

 I cropped in on the face, blew it up, and printed it to get my pattern.
I used the same size (about a 7x7 image) for both the 12-18 months tee as well as the 3T size.

I chose to use buttons for the nose and eyes to add a little interest.
These guys seem to dig them ;)

And, just because Jack asked very politely for me to "put a picture of me jumping on the computer. PLEASE!" .....

Wacky, silly kid!
By the way, the adorable, Rae, over ar Armommy, has a pretty great video tutorial about appliqueing, if you'd like to give applique a go. It's quick and easy, and the possibilities of fun designs are endless!


Shannon said...

Super cute. Boston Terrier designs are all over and every time I see one, I think of you!

Poppies and Poetry said...

I also think of you everytime I see anything Boston Terrier on Pinterest. Those shirts are seriously cute...but not half as cute as your boys. Whoa are they adorable!!!

Anya said...

ohmygoodness... love love love their shirts! And these photos are just perfection. Love their sweet faces. Love them sitting together as brothers. Crazy how fast they are growing up though....!

Unknown said...

Love the shirts they are so cute! And your boys are adorable by the way!

Rachel {polkadots and puppies} said...

Thank you, gals! I'm seeing lots of Boston cuteness out there too. You can bet that I go bonkers whenever I them ;)

Thanks for your lovely comments, as always.