Tuesday, July 5, 2011

{ giggly grocery morning }

Who lets a morning filled with tons of boring grown-up errands, including grocery shopping prevent them from some hilariously goofy dress-up fun?
             Not my boys :P
via kimberly wagner photography
You would not believe the huge grins, giggles and high fives we received this morning.

Let's hear it for injecting a little (or a LOT of) silliness into mundane, humdrum tasks!  Don't you just LOVE the way little ones are so good at having FUN no matter what they're doing?  Hope you've got a big smile on your face as you get back to real life after the long holiday weekend.


Laura said...

This gave me a giant chuckle! Jack's expression wearing that mustache is quite amusing. I wonder what his caption would say.

Thanks for the smiles :)

Poppies and Poetry said...

Oh this had me grinning ear to ear! Love this! Why does everything have to be so serious, really? My boys are gonna love this too! Thanks for sharing:)

Rachel {polkadots and puppies} said...

Those get-ups really made our morning a complete riot! I think I'll dress like a super hero the next time I have to go to the BMV, or some other equally dreadful place. Perhaps it will make the task a lot more fun!!!

Anya said...

This is fantastic! What a fun way to shop! I'll need to remember that and try it sometime! Love that Grant ALWAYS seems to lose a shoe, no matter what the situation... LOL

Cutie boys. I love them. : )

Lisa said...

Oh, those sweet and silly boys !! soooo cute. love, love, love ;)

Lisa said...
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