Thursday, November 24, 2011

{ give thanks.....for pie }

I have a trillions things to be thankful for, as I'm sure you do too.  

But, if I'm being honest.... there's one thing I look forward to most on this day.  And that would be P I E.  

See, my awesomely crazy family sees to it that our Thanksgiving dinner includes no less than 10 (!)  different varieties of pie.  

Pecan, coconut cream, pumpkin, apple, lemon meringue, chocolate silk, rhubarb, banana cream, cherry, and sweet potato. 

Best. day. ever. ;)
* amanda catherine designs
H A P P Y   T H A N K S G I V I N G   T O   Y O U!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Pie is my favorite! I had to read your list twice to see which I would like best, but I like them all! Hope you enjoyed :)