Wednesday, September 21, 2011

{ i am loving }

The adorable, feminine collection of frilly apron offerings at Anthropologie.  No need to take it off after cooking for that dinner party.  It's that pretty! ;)

I own a pretty darling, black and white Anthro apron that I received as a Christmas gift from awesome my sis-in-law.  I adore it, but I definitely sometimes fear getting a giant glob of marina sauce on it!

* all via anthropologie
Do you wear something this lovely for whipping up dinners?


Suzy-Q said...

I had no idea that aprons could be so absolutely beautiful! These are fantastic and it makes me want to own one...or maybe I need to break out my sewing machine once again :-)

Rachel {polkadots and puppies} said...

Definitely get to sewing, Suzy! It would be a snap to stitch up one of these beauties! :)

SherryQ said...

ooh! Quite and HOW! I'm going to get one going for the holidays :) Thank you for the inspiration! xo