Wednesday, June 29, 2011

{ 10 things - three cheers for chairs! }

My name is Rachel, and I'm a chair-aholic. It's true.  I LOVE chairs.  If space allowed, I might have an entire room filled with fabulous chairs of all sorts.  I've got a list a mile long of chairs that I covet, but here are 10 that I'm loving right now.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Do you have a thing for chairs too?


Poppies and Poetry said...

I'll take two number ones and throw in a number eight too:) I share the chair-aholicness with you!

Jessie said...

I think I love about 100 chairs! lol The Panton Chair is my favorite. I hope to get 4 white ones for my dining room. (someday)