Monday, June 6, 2011

{ back to real life }

The Mr. and I are back from our few days of fun in Colorado without the kiddos.  We had a blast, but I missed my little guys MUCH more than I thought I would.  I was so happy to be able to
 smother them both with hugs and kisses upon our return.

Oh, and life must be back to normal,
 because some of us are already back to our wacky ways.

Exhibit A:
 (also known as how I found Jack in his bed this morning). 

He told me he had to change into these clothes because he needed to be
 ready for all the adventures he was going to have in his dreams. 
Apparently he went to "The Big White House" to play with Sasha and Malia.
Good times.

It's good to be home :)

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

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